Kiera Elither (Female Dragonborn Druid) - Amanda
    Kiera has a warped sense of morality. On one hand she will fight to protect her home town; everyone and everything in it. On the other hand she will steal anything that isn't locked down if she thinks she needs it or if it looks cool.
    Born on Norheim in the small northern city of Rottesheim she had a great childhood, or at least she thinks she did. As a child, Kiera never had much, but she didn't need much. She was happy. Growing up was hard for her though and she lost her parents at a young age and has trust issues with the world. Everyone she sees is a potential threat (even her teacher), but personal injury is not her main concern. Protecting her belongings is. Her fear of theft is so great that she doesn't like to bathe for fear of someone stealing her things.
    Oddly enough, Kiera can't remember the last time she had more than 10 gold pieces to her name. Her 2 prized possessions are her father's favorite book and a small bottle of perfume that was her mothers. The smell of both remind her of them.
    Kiera is a natural druid, raw and untapped. Her natural connection with the Earthmother was noticed by a passing priestess and she was asked to train at Umbra, the druid temple. The exact location of Umbra is only known to druids and a handful of outsiders. It sits south of lake Firloch deep in the heart of Winterglen.
    After her first year of study Kiera was asked to mentor with a "young" elf named Orabella. Orabella is not much further along in her studies than Kiera (the druid learning process is long and arduous for some), but is much, much older and she has been a Student of Druidry with the Priestess of Nature for 4 years longer than Kiera. As it is their custom in year 5 of their study a young Priestess will take on a student, during the festival of Midsummer (the extra day between Flamerule and Eleasis), to mentor through years 2-5. This mentoring will continue until they have a student of their own.

Killian Celadhrinian (Male Dragonborn Ranger) - Brendan
    Killian was trained as a military scout in Norheim and reached the rank of Immunes before, it... happened. Being Dragonborn in Norheim comes with certain expectations and military service was one of them. Dragonborn reach maturity early in life and 12 years old is when every male is required to travel to Hammerstaad and present for service. They are allowed to leave service once they reach legal adulthood at the age of 15, but many choose to reenlist as Killian did. During this second enlistment is when many Dragonborn rise through the military ranks and receive new enlistees to command.
    It was 23 Uktar, the day after The Binding, that his squad was sent on a mission that ended in the death of all but 2 of his soldiers (him being 1) at the hands of an orc regiment. The orcs weren't supposed to be there and, really, neither was Killian. This kind of thing is common for Uktar, but the misinformation he was given is not common for king Raag's army.
    After being exonerated from any misconduct Killian left the military in personal disgrace and immense sadness and went into hiding for 2 years. Now Killian is ready to move on with his life, but not with any military involvement and definitely no leadership of any kind. He will, however, never move on from his hatred of Orcs for their actions that day... and Goblins because... well... goblins, I mean... come on.
    Killian carries his Immunes' insignia as both a reminder of the men he lost that day and motivation to be better. He also carries a spellbook he tore out of the hands of the last Orc he killed that day.

Ninib Gandu (Other Tethyrian Rogue) - Dave
    It is very easy to underestimate Ninib because of the way he looks. Being small in stature and seemingly mild mannered he uses the tendency to be taken lightly to his advantage in every situation he can. Underestimating him could be the last thing you do.
    Born in the slums of Caer Callidyrr, Ninib never knew his mother and his father was not a positive influence. At the age of 12 Ninib set out on his own to try and make something of himself. That's when he met Tatius Needlehood who ended up being an even worse influence than his father, but Ninib wouldn't realize this for another 10 years. Tatius was good for one thing... tough love. Learning the ways of the rogue was a full time job for Ninib. Stealing, forgery, deception, you name it Ninib was expected to do it. He wasn never taught though, "learn by doing" was all Tatius would say.
    Once Ninib realized what his life had become and that Tatius was not good for him, Ninib left and headed south. Shortly after leaving Callidyrr Ninib met a small group of adventurers and, for the first time in his life, had friends. Still though, he's unsure of their motives and even more unsure of his... but that elf druid girl is so soooooo cute!
    Growing up as Ninib did will effect a person in some very odd ways and Ninib is no exception. Since he spends most of his time alone, he thinks that he has broken the 4th wall so every time he talks he believes that he's talking to the audience; but most people witnesing this thinks he's just bat-shit crazy. He tells jokes or quips even at the most inopportune times, often making the situation worse than it needs to be. Most odd of all are the dozens of holy symbols he carries in bags or wears on his person. He's not religious, but hey... you never know, right?
    Finally, there was the incident with Mulciber Giantstorm. What a day that was. Tatius told Ninib to find dinner. Ninib knew better than to ask questions like "what", "where", or "how" and set off in search of something he could steal. That's when Mulciber crossed his path carrying what looked like a giant sack of, well, everything Ninib was looking for. Ninib followed Mulciber to his home, snuck in, and grabbed the sack. As he started to head out of the home he noticed something shiny. "bonus" he thought and headed over to his new shiny object. As soon as he touched the gold cross he heard "what the hell are you doing in my home?", dropped the sack, and ran. Of course, the sack landed in the fireplace, the whole house went up in flames. Ninib did manage to keep a hold of the Chauntea cross, but never told Tatius he had it. He also never got dinner that night. This was the start of his religious symbol collection. It may be interesting to note that Mulciber is not a farmer, but some sort of high level assassin or thug hired by the crown for "other duties." Ninib finds it much easier to just avoid that side of town when in Callidyrr lest he be in a fight he may not be able to win.

Orabella Yedda (Female High Elf Druid) - Caitlin
    Orabella was a librarian before leaving home to explore the world feeling that her 118th birthday was a good time to make a change. Home was on the large island of Gwynneth, in the town of Thorndyke, and travel didn't take her far. Before she knew it she was studying Druidry with the Priestess of Nature at the temple of Umbra in Winterglen Forrest.
    She is every bit the librarian she used to be. Awkward socially, level headed, and consumed by the pursuit of knowledge. This may be why she is lagging behind other students in her same year of training. She will gladly catalog her newest find while the world burns around her. Sadly, she is usually oblivious to everything around her once something grabs her focus.
    Druidry is a relatively new focus for Orabella. Much like everything else she focuses on, Druidry is interesting to her and time moves slow for elves, but how long will her fascination last?
    Entering her 5th year of study was a hard time for Orabella. During the festival of Midsummer (the extra day between Flamerule and Eleasis) during your 5th year, it is common to take on a student to mentor through years 2-5. No one (even Orabella) thought she was ready and this is most likely why Orabella was paired with one of the best priestess candidates of the past 50 years. No one has told Kiera this, but she is so firmly tied to the Earthmother that she may have things to teach Orabella or it could all go horribly wrong. This mentoring will continue until kiera has a student of her own.

Urth Brightshear (Male Human Fighter) - Brian
    Urth is rude, crude and a fighter. Due to his early life in Jacaman he is also cynical and has a hard time trusting others.
    Born into the Jade Falcon Clan Urth comes from the Jacaman province in the Korinn Archipelago. Urth was born to the life of a slave. His master was Roquern and when he became of age he was forced into service to Roquern in his small army. He served valiantly thinking he was protecting his family and not realizing that he was a slave.
    Urth served in many battles against Orcs and Goblins eventually reaching the rank of Veteran. In his last battle his unit was wiped out to the man except him. Roquern blamed Urth for the failure and had Urth’s family executed. This angered Urth and he swore a blood oath against Roquern. He escaped several years ago and now he rambles when he is drunk about one day going back and making Roquern pay for his crimes against Urth.